Mayor accepts councilman's resignation




FORT MADISON - According to Fort Madison City Manager David Varley, 3rd ward Councilman Travis Seidel has resigned his seat on the council effective Friday.

Seidel pleaded guilty on June 1 to a class C felony drug charge and received a deferred sentence. Iowa code indicates any elected official found guilty of a felony under Iowa code vacates their elected seat. However, the deferred judgment created an unclear status as to whether Seidel had been found guilty. The deferred judgment carries a five-year probation that, if completed, would wipe the felony from Seidel's record.

Mayor Brad Randolph, who accepted Seidel's resignation, said the city sought two independent legal opinions that both indicated Seidel's plea was a conviction under Iowa law.

"The city received two legal opinions stating that, for the purpose of the statutes at issue, Mr. Seidels' felony plea was a conviction, not withstanding the deferred judgment. The statutes we were working with were Iowa Code subsection 66.1A, Iowa Code subsection 69.2(1)(F), and Fort Madison City Code section 1.6.6," Randolph said.

"The statutes require removal under these circumstances. I don't believe Mr. Seidel or the Council had any other option in this matter. Resignation was the best option. I think it's what's best for the City and Mr. Seidel."

Randolph said the council now has the option of appointing someone to fill Seidel's seat or the city could hold a special election. If someone is appointed, that seat would be on the ballot in the November general election.

Seidel was originally arrested Friday, Dec. 8, 2017 and charged with two counts of distributing hydromorphone, also known as Dilaudid, Hydrostat, Palladone, Dillies, and hospital heroin, within 1000 feet of a school. He posted bond and was released the same day.

Seidel, who has never denied the charges, said Friday night he believes the arrest from the incident was a set up.

"I believe this whole thing was a set up. From my political views, from the reason I was charged, all the way to my resignation. If you don't go along with the plan and think freely, you end up just the way I did," he said. "I hope people and fellow council see this now and proceed with caution."

Seidel said he believes he was enticed by a private contractor who was experiencing pain and provided four pills to the contractor who left money on the table. More money, Seidel said, than the pills were worth. He said the contractor owed him money personally and didn't consider the money payment for the pills.

"I do apologize to all that were effected by this, and I thank the many people for their support through this," he said.



city council, Mayor Brad Randolph, Pen City Current, resignation, Seidel


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