American Cruises cancels remaining 2019 FM stops



FORT MADISON - American Cruise line has cancelled all remaining Mississippi cruises north of St. Louis for the 2019 cruise season.

According to Fort Madison Chamber of Commerce Coordinator Savanna Collier, the cruise line informed city officials Thursday morning that they would not be coming north of St. Louis the rest of the year.

Collier said the cruise line said they couldn't come to the area due to higher and projected higher water levels from recent rains.

The cruise line has 16 scheduled stops in 2020 and hopes to increase that frequency in 2021.

Collier said the last time the boat stopped to moor with the barge in place and the water was high it did cause some problems for getting people on and off.

American Cruise Lines first docked in Fort Madison to a large community welcome the first week of August and since that time has had nine stops with passengers visiting historical spots in and around Fort Madison.

In addition to some self-guided trips through Fort Madison's downtown and park-to-park historical district, a popular agri-tour circuit has also been an offering for passengers.

breaking news, cancelled stops, cruise lines, fort madison, Pen City Current


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