Candidate responds to attacks in front of election


Dear Editor;
Because Todd Eaves as the mouthpiece of the union alliance between the Democrat party and his union feels the need to attack me on a regular basis I will respond. 
He has accused me of picking fights. I don't but I also do not walk away from them. Have I said unflattering things about the judgment and even intelligence of some individuals on social media that have accused the mayor and council members of nonexistent corruption, referred to a city employee as Fat F, used a screen name of F Fort Madison (they finished the word) and even tried to imitate me on social media. Yes I did and I don't apologize. I will stand up against a bully, I have done so all of my life. When people are attacked unjustly including myself I do not back down.
My public service has always been one of a consensus builder and everybody that pays attention knows that.
As far as bringing national issues into the debate, they are valid as far as those issues and support of the people that created bad policy affects us in Lee County. You don't hire Wreck it Ralph to rebuild. My opponent decorated parade floats with signs saying stop the war on workers. If that is going on in Lee county please explain because I have not heard about this.  She has tied herself directly to left wing ideas both at the state and national level. She has floated the idea of County wide zoning and nuisance ordinances, she has backed away from fighting higher taxes and justified that by coming up with more ways to spend money. Todd said he wants somebody who thinks for themselves. Me too that is why nobody told me how to decorate a parade float with something quite irrelevant to our race.
On a separate note, something I won't have an opportunity to vote on but will support. Correctional Officers should be treated just like law enforcement. 
I think it is a sad testimony that they are often treated worse than those they guard.
Tom Schulz,
Candidate for Lee County Supervisor

Letters to the Editor, opinion, candidate, Tom Schulz, Republican, Supervisor, Lee County, Pen City Current,


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