LEE COUNTY - The Lee County Board of Supervisors has made a commitment to determining the best use of statewide opioid settlement funds the county is expected to receive over the next 15 years. As part of this commitment, a community-wide survey focused on Opioid/Substance use is underway to obtain local input on issues related to opioid or substance use in the county.
Since early December 2023, Lee County Health Department has been convening and meeting with subject matter experts who have firsthand experience with or knowledge in areas of prevention, treatment and recovery, and/or harm reduction practices. This has involved representatives from Alcohol & Drug Dependency Services of Southeast Iowa; the Best You Coalition and Lee/Van Buren County SAFE coalition; Transition Link; Parent Partners; the Talbot House, and the National Opioid Response Network.
This fully-engaged group has been gathering data, discussing known gaps in and barriers to accessing needed services, and has now finalized a community-wide survey to be completed by any willing individual in the area for gaining valuable and necessary feedback. The link to the online survey can be found at: https://s.surveyplanet.com/bceh0ovp.
“We hope to have this survey largely distributed to our public through organizational websites, social media, newspapers, newsletters, and by mass emails," said Michele Ross, Administrator at LCHD.
"The survey is a great way to seek feedback needed from county residents on what their views are of the real issues and to help identify gaps in supportive services that are needed or could be strengthened. We also need to have a better understanding of what real barriers people may face in accessing services or needed support."
Ross says paper surveys will be available at LCHD if people would prefer paper and/or need help in completing the survey. She hopes other organizations, including local businesses and industry, will follow suit to help get as many responses as possible. The community-wide survey will be open for completion through April 1, 2024.
Once community survey results are reviewed, a final report will be completed and provided to the Lee County Opioid Planning Committee appointed by the Lee County Board of Supervisors.
The intent will be to provide the Board of Supervisors with locally-informed community information as they make future funding decisions with the use of Opioid Settlement Funds.
The county has received just over $250,000 in settlements to date and has about $16,000 remaining after using about $225,000 for EMS payroll in accordance with a 25% rule. Funds are to be spent according to a core abatement exhibit that was part of the state's Memorandum of Understanding in accepting the payments. Seventy-five percent of the funds are to be spent in direct-abatement strategies while the other 25% can be spent on indirect abatements such as staffing. The $225,000 will be less than the county's total disbursement so the remainder of current funds will be spent according to the core abatement strategies.
That funding will be disbursed by the county as information from the surveys is compiled and needs are determined.
The county has signed agreements that will yield an additional $54,000 from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and distributor payments will total right at another $1 million through 2038.
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