Empty Nest

Like thieves in the night, Groundhogs were our enemy when growing up on the Maple Hill farm west of Monroe.  Those little pigs dug tunnels around the foundations of farm buildings and made quite a …

The old priest asked me how I was doing.  I had almost died of alcoholism a few short weeks before.  I fell through the glass top of my coffee table, drunk, cut myself up like a hog ready …

The first full moon in 2025 arrived on Monday, January 13 th at 6:22 p.m., CST.  It is called the Wolf Moon, because wolves were wont to prowl and howl (“ululate,”) on cold January …

I'm the last of eight children, i.e. the baby of the family, and I was spoiled.  I didn't realize it at the time, but as I look back now through the lens of a father and grandfather, I was …

The great news on December 4 th , I'm cancer free!  It was the day of my 4 th infusion with the immunotherapy drug, Keytruda.  The first thing on the agenda was a full-body PET/CAT …

Growing up on the Maple Hill Farm west of Monroe, we always had a few chickens for eggs, a steer and a pig or two for meat, and, the year I'm thinking of, one tom turkey.  I don't know how we …

Every year in late October, the postcards go out inviting Henry County Veterans and their spouse or significant other to a free Sunday night dinner at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mt. …

Martha Wiley of Mt. Pleasant loves teaching - with over 30 years of teaching advanced math, physics, calculus, statistics, trigonometry, engineering and programming at the high school, and teacher …

In recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, we're often not aware of how much we are changing until we see a difference in how others react to us.  This is a story of my friend Steve, and …

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.  Both Ken Madden and his son Sean, of rural Crawfordsville, graduated from the University of Iowa, and both participated in ROTC—Reserve …

Like the Old Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, the Clark County Mule Festival turns the city of Kahoka, Missouri into one big garage sale.  But Ginnie and I weren't there for garage …

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Mathew 9:37-38 We didn't ask the Lord to send us laborers, but we did …

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