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Pet coverage from around the web

5 of the best dog breeds for people with allergies and anxiety

While true hypoallergenic dogs don't exist, Pettable spoke to experts to learn which breeds may be better pets for people with anxiety and allergies.
Local pet news
Breeders meet with sheriff over illegal activity

Legitimate breeders on board with cleaning up black market mills BY CHUCK VANDENBERG PCC EDITOR LEE COUNTY - Four area licensed breeders joined six law enforcement officers Thursday evening to talk …

P.A.W. hopes to break ground on new shelter this summer

Anonymous benefactor pushes fundraising campaign ahead of schedule on $5 million center BY CHUCK VANDENBERG PCC EDITOR FORT MADISON - A large benefactor has put a $5 …

Attempt to save a baby fox - Empty Nest by Curt Swarm

Lorrilee McCall-Miller heard something outside their door as she was getting ready for bed.  It sounded like a baby crying.  She opened the door and looked.  There was a baby fox, a kit, looking …

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