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This, as so many other areas, falls directly into the "keep them dumb, sick, and poor" belief system in this state (and country). The repugnicans view the elderly, disabled, and poor as wholly expendable to make room for the upper-middle class Boomers and Gen Xrs who will line their campaign pockets and provide them their foundation to continue wielding power so they can maintain control.

And this is why I will shout from the rooftops...If you are in your 40s and up, do whatever you can to start paying into long-term care insurance. You do not want to be in a state run care center because they are the least funded and provide the worst pay, which means sub-par all the way around. It may seem like wasted money, but many plans are set-up to flip the money into a trust for benefactors if not used for LTC. It can also be utilized for in-home LTC, which allows loved ones to have a little more say in who cares for their elders while allowing them to stay in the spaces they feel comforted and safe.

From: It appears not every life in Iowa truly is sacred

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