Iowa passes law outlawing abortions at heartbeat

Few exceptions written into special session legislation


DES MOINES -- On Tuesday Iowa House Republicans passed House File 732 to protect the lives of unborn children. 
HF 732 restricts abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected by an abdominal ultrasound unless there is a medical emergency or the pregnancy is the result of rape and incest.
Representative Shannon Lundgren (R-Peosta) led the bill through the Iowa House.
"This bill protects unborn children in Iowa," said Lundgren.  "This bill sets a clear standard where the state has an interest in the life of a child – when the baby’s heart starts beating. Where there is a heartbeat – there is life."
Speaker Pat Grassley (R- New Hartford) said the bill is another promise kept to Iowans.
"Iowans know we are a pro-life caucus and they have continued to grow our majority," said Grassley.  "While Democrats across the country continue to devalue the life of an unborn child, Iowa House Republicans are following through on our promise to protect life."
Gov. Kim Reynolds released the following statement in response to the Iowa Legislature passing the heartbeat bill: 
“Today, the Iowa legislature once again voted to protect life and end abortion at a heartbeat, with exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother.” 
“The Iowa Supreme Court questioned whether this legislature would pass the same law they did in 2018, and today they have a clear answer. The voices of Iowans and their democratically elected representatives cannot be ignored any longer, and justice for the unborn should not be delayed.”  
“As a pro-life Governor, I am also committed to continuing policies to support women in planning for motherhood, promote the importance of fatherhood, and encourage strong families. Our state and country will be stronger because of it.” 
Gov. Reynolds plans to sign the bill on Friday, July 14, 2023.
HF 732 passed the Iowa House with a vote of 56-34.

Iowa, fetal heartbeat law, news, Legislature, Kim Reynolds, Governor, Republicans, legislation, opposition, news, Pen City Current


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  • Truthbomb

    Republicans are all about protecting "life"...that is until life means helping those already living. Empty words when they also cut SNAP benefits and medicaid, cut mental health care across the state, gutted public school funding, push for child labor, are sentencing LGBQTA+ youth to emotional and mental hardships. If you're not a cisgender, white, christian man or woman who is subservient to those particular men, you are a non-entity in this state. You don't count and you're not wanted. Welcome to the Nazi state of Iowa where they care more about guns than actual human beings. If anyone thinks this is about anything other than power and control, I have some prime oceanfront property in Fort Madison to sell them.

    Thursday, July 13, 2023 Report this