City taking applications for Rink's at-large spot

Deadline for interested individuals is Feb. 10


FORT MADISON – The Fort Madison City Council is actively accepting applications from interested parties to fill the pending vacancy of an at-large council seat.
Councilman Kevin Rink is set to resign from his seat in February and city staff outlined the process of filling the position at Tuesday’s regular meeting.
The city published the intent to fill the position by appointment at its last meeting in December. Those interested in serving on the City Council can turn in applications at City Hall or online at the city’s website. Since the position is an at-large position, the candidate’s ward won’t be relevant in the selection process.
The city is scheduled to hold applicant interviews on February 18 at 4:30 p.m. with an appointment planned by majority vote on a resolution on that same day, which is Rink’s final meeting.
The oath of office will be administered with the new councilperson taking a seat on the council on March 4, 2025. The appointment will be until the next city general election which will happen in November.
City Clerk Justina Cullen said applications will be received until Feb. 10 at 4:30 p.m.
The council currently has three members that were appointed, two of those, Angela Roller and Dustin Yager, were elected on their first ballots. Jerry Sparrow will also be on the November ballot as he is still serving his appointment.
The council also heard from Pat Inrachavongsa, the new director of Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission’s SEIBUS program.
Inrachavongsa said services are provided in the four-county area of Lee, Louisa, Des Moines, and Henry. He said there was evidence that people needed transportation options and there was a small struggle in getting people to use the SEIBUS system.
“We wanted to remind people in Fort Madison that SIEBUS does go around this area and it’s not just for the disabled, it’s for the general public,” he said.
“We do have days that are set where we come around and, if people need rides, we can set up on-demand, curbside service. It doesn’t have to be where they have to wait for a bus stop.”
He said Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. SIEBUS services are available in Fort Madison curbside. The cost is $2.50 per ride. They also have a $25 monthly pass which doesn’t include the medical shuttle that runs to Iowa City. Those trips are $15 one way or $30 round trip and that includes the Eastern Iowa Airport and surrounding hospitals in Iowa City.
“I think some of the residents here do use it, but I think that’s part of the confusion about what SEIBUS is. Everybody thinks it’s just for disabled or medical purposes, but you can use it for grocery shopping, visiting friends, and getting from one side to another,” Inrachavongsa said.
SEIBUS is also partnering with Milestones on Aging to help offset costs for those 60 and over who are living with disabilities.
He said the program's website is also being renovated with policies, fares, and how-tos for the program. Additional information can be found at

Fort Madison, city council, Kevin Rink, appointment, resignation, news, Pen City Current, deadline, SEIBUS, Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission, Pat Inrachavongsa,


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