The following information was submitted to the letter to the editor information form on first name: Steve last name: Weber address: 695 E County Road 1630 …
Getting older sucks. I know the old adage, ‘It’s better than the alternative’. Welp, yeah. But I went to a football game Friday night and it was 48 degrees out. That’s not …
I was a Police Officer in Ft. Madison for 8 1/2 years. In 2021 I realized it was time for me to walk away. Stacy Weber called me to check in on me, and I will never forget that. In the time that I …
My name is Blake Johnson. I am a resident of Lee County. I served in the military and was honorably discharged. Recently, I was employed by the Lee County Sheriff's Office. I got to know Elliott …
Dear Editor: I am writing to express my strong support for Elliott Vandenberg in his candidacy for Lee County Sheriff. Having had the privilege of coaching Elliott in various sports, I have witnessed …
Dear Editor: VOTE SMART Having lived in Lee County for 85 years now I have shook hands and visited with six Lee County Sheriffs and a time or two needed their services. Toots Delahoyde, Bud …
Dear Editor: I attended the recent debate. Elliott had clear, concise answers to all questions. I believe he was the clear winner. Ignore the noise and smokescreen and cast your vote for …
In recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, we're often not aware of how much we are changing until we see a difference in how others react to us. This is a story of my friend Steve, and …
Dear Editor: I attended the debate last Tuesday at the high school. I was waiting to speak to Mr. Vandenberg after his conversation with the jail employee in question. I was …
Visiting Taylor in New York City for a spell. I made the snap decision to go because I’m getting cabin fever and, quite frankly, exhausted with the coming election, workloads, losing weight, …
Dear Editor: I would like to start by saying that I expressed to both Sheriff campaigns that I had no intention of publicly or on social media endorsing either candidate. At this time things …
Dear Editor: I want to start this by saying that I have been a supporter of Stacy Weber for sheriff. I have known Sheriff Weber for a few years, but I've gotten to know him better since being elected …