Dear Editor, As the Chairman of the Lee County Republican Party of Iowa, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincerest gratitude to the public for their participation in the November 5th …
Editor: I am writing to you all on behalf of the food insecure of Lee County and the Ft. Madison Food Pantry. As we enter the holiday season, we thought it might be a good time to update our …
Editor: I’m Christina Bohannan, and I’m running for Congress here in Iowa’s 1st district. With election day around the corner, I’ll get right to the point: for years, my opponent …
Dear Editor: A final appeal to Lee County voters from the Lee County Democratic Party. After many weeks of campaigning door to door, placing yard-signs and making a case for our …
I want to thank all of you who have taken the time out of your lives to get to know me. Whether it was at an event, by phone call, text message, in passing, in public, or on your door step. Win or …
Dear community members, As a wife, my priority is my family. As a deputy wife, the stressors are increased with longer work hours. We knew before starting a family that the hours would be difficult …
Editor: Hello, my name is Tommy Oberman. I am a U.S. Army Veteran, a former Police Chief and a recently retired Deputy Sheriff with over 20 years combined experience. I would like to speak about …
I am submitting this letter to the editor in support of our Sheriff, Stacy Weber. Having known Stacy most of his life, I can attest to his integrity and honesty. He has demonstrated those …
Editor: I am writing this to show my support for Sherri Yasenchok for Lee County Auditor. She is the best and only choice for Lee County Auditor. Along with being a republican, she …
My name is Joe Hambleton. I am a resident of Lee County with my wife and 3 children. Most of my life's work experiences include farming, retail, construction, security, United States Army combat …
Editor: Well, it’s that time of year again…the time when St. Mary’s Catholic Church erects their “abortion graveyard” and the various false abortion claims …
Editor: Roslyn Garcia will make an exceptional Lee County Auditor. As a current Keokuk City Councilperson, she is no stranger to being accountable to the public and answering whatever questions …